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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

TBN Paul Crouch scandals and Trinity broadcasting network family

You tend to wonder what the fate of to the broadcasting network is considering the illness of Rev. Paul Crouch Senior, the family dispute moved out of the headlines. But I'm for sure that the dispute is still there secret sources revealed to me that Jan Crouch received a plea of forgiveness from one of her sons or should I say her only begotten son. Paul Crouch Junior, Matthew seems to be well seated in the driver seat of the Trinity broadcasting family of networks, and there are a lot of them.

Most of the controversial assets revolving the family are truly the ministry's possession and property . The only controversy. There is this only family sitting on the board of directors. I have always hoped the best for Trinity broadcasting , they have a unique ministry, they are misunderstood to be a charity the church and things of that nature. Even though they have pulled these legal cards before their ministry seems to be broadcasting and this is important if it wasn't for Paul Crouch Senior going to Washington DC and fighting for  must carry laws . I don't think Christianity would even be heard of my days or at least they would've brought back the Lions .now I didn't say I agree with everything that Paul Crouch stands for everything that he believes that believe in his right to believe them and speaks them over the air under the First Amendment rights . I just hope at the surviving family . Their bickering and complaining like a three-year-old child catch the vision and move forward

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